The Innocents (1961)
This adaptation of The Turn of the Screw was created in 1961 and was directed by Jack Clayton. The character of Peter Quint was played by Peter Wyngarde. I watched the trailer of film and researched into it. The character has dark hair and is seen with very simple make-up. From seeing the character you would not be able to instantly tell that he is a ghost. However, to portray an eerie and menacing character they have chosen someone with very dark features. I have chosen a model that has dark hair and eyebrows as I think it helps to portray the storyline of the character more. Also, it will photograph a lot better and create the look that I want. I however do not want to keep the face looking 'normal' because this will not help the audience know anything about the character. I want them to immediately know that he is a ghost which I will convey by using dark make-up, accentuating the features and creating a pale face.
The Turn of the Screw (1974)
The 1974 version of The Turn of the Screw was directed by Dan Curtis. This was the first coloured film interpretation of the book. Quint was played by actor James Laurenson. Due to this being a coloured film, I was interested to know how they portrayed him through the make-up as this is something that I am working on for my final idea. In the film he has longer hair that has a slight wave to it and is slicked back from the front with no parting. The lighting is key in this film, to help portray the 'ghostly' feeling. Due to him being seen from a window the light can shine directly on him to help whiten his face. From watching the trailer I can see that he clearly has make-up on his face to make him seem paler than normal. He is almost grey with his features accentuated with a darker colour. I think this is definitely the style of look that I want to go for as I feel it helps to convey the characterisation more. Making my model look paler will hopefully make the audience know that he is a ghost.
The Turn of the Screw (1992)
The next adaptation of The Turn of the Screw was directed by Rusty Lemorande. Actor Olivier Debray played the role of Peter Quint. When watching the trailer of this film I felt that he was being portrayed as a lot more menacing than the other adaptations of Quint. When he is seen at the window he shows a lot more emotion a looks some what menacing. Through reading the book, I did learn that Quint was in fact trying to control Miles, therefore the evil portrayal does make sense. He too is seen with a paler face and longer hair. I think the use of a pale face helps the audience to automatically know that he is a ghost and has something different about him.
The Turn of the Screw (1999)
The director of the 1999 version of the latest The Turn of the Screw was Ben Bolt. Peter Quint was played by actor Jason Salkey and famous actor Colin Firth was also part of the film and played the Master of the house. When I first saw Quint in the film the first thing I noticed was the ginger facial hair. The other actors portraying Quint in the other films have had obvious dark hair or dark features. I think they may have wanted to create a different take on the character and see they effect he had on the audience. I personally think he works well as a more serious and menacing character due to his facial expressions and facial hair however I would not immediately be able to tell that he was a ghost. From looking into this film, I now know that I want my portrayal of Quint to have a pale face. It will make him stand out and I can then darken the look to help show the menacing side.
Through looking at other portrayals from a range of different years, I have been able to take aspects from each one that I like and see other parts that I do not. I will definitely be making up my character to look pale as this shows the audience that he is a ghost. To help show the menacing and evil side to his personality, I want to feature red around the eyes. The colour red has connotations of danger and fear which is what he portrays. Looking at other portrayals of my book has helped me massively in finalising my idea.
The innocents (1962) Directed by Jack Clayton .
The turn of the screw (1974) Directed by Dan Curtis .
The turn of the screw (1994) Directed by Rusty Lemorande .
The turn of the screw (1999) Directed by Ben Bolt .
TOTSenthusiast (2009) Quint at the window: A comparison of 4 different film versions of TOTS. Available at: (Accessed: 24 February 2016).
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