I want Claudia's make-up look to be simple, yet feature aspects that show her character storyline. I thought that creating a bold make-up look would distract the audience from the most important parts. As a character, Claudia is not into wearing large amounts of make-up. She keeps everything very natural, because she does not want to draw any attention to herself. She wants her secret to be kept a secret and therefore does not want to stand out.
Using a flicking motion with a brush and also a small stippling sponge, I will apply fake blood to the face. I want this to look like it has come from the torturing of Mrs Laderman. This will also make the audience think about how Claudia and Dexter have tortured her. From looking at photos of blood splatters, the positioning is very random. This makes it look more realistic. Through using a brush and applying the blood randomly, I will hopefully achieve a realistic look. Applying the blood to the face will connect the two characters of Claudia and Mrs Laderman together and portray the storyline through the make-up. I want the whole look to be based around the blood on her face. Her eyes will be slightly red from both her hours of planning her revenge as well as her becoming mental. I want her to look like the psychopathic killer she really is.
I wanted to create a fake cut on the side of Claudia's face. We were taught a technique to create this in class, however I found that this was sometimes rather tricky especially with the wax I had. It was sometimes hard to place it on the skin. Due to this I decided to try and find a new technique that I could try out. I came across this video that gave a step by step talk on how to create the cut. I tried this out and I found this a lot easier. This allowed me to come to the decision of using this technique in my final design of Claudia.
FAKE CUT - Video
BBC Blast (2010) How to fake a cut - theatrical horror make-up - by BBC blast. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-jdr1yQ8aI (Accessed: 29 March 2016).